Man: Alright, so what makes a blog a blog though? Do you just go on your website and go…
Tom Jacoby: You know…
Man: I guess I could use a guy like you to actually create a…
Tom Jacoby: Oh no! You can do this solo yourself also. A blog fundamentally has a particular voice. In the ancient days, most of you who are too young to remember this, in the ancient days you picked up a paper, there were columnists. Walter Winchell is a real old time guy, Jimmy Breslin is another one, a modern equivalent would be the sports writers like Mike Lupica. A Jimmy Breslin column always sounds like a Jimmy Breslin column. A Mike Lupica column, even if you blacked out those parts so you couldn’t see the names, always sounds like Mike Lupica. Same with Walter Winchell, so in a blog it’s your forum to speak in your voice. Now that’s not your personal opinion, this is your voice in business, that’s fine but it should be consistent. A blog should have a particular point of view from which to communicate. It’s not just random stuff, you know. You can speak on whatever you want as long as it’s relevant to what you’re doing. Like in the WISE area, if WISE was backing up the Truth About Drugs by participating in the Truth About Drugs rally, you can talk about how WISE is participating in a drugs rally, that’s totally fine. But it’s never not about WISE, it’s not about…your blog is always from a single voice, whatever your identity is. It takes on a life of it’s own as time goes along, right? But the key in terms of search which is what I’m mainly here to talk to you about, so that you get found and get business, the key in terms of search is you’re putting new material connected to your website. Whether it’s on your website itself or in a separate place that links to your website, either way its new material about your business being added regularly
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
Get found, Get business
phone: 917-338-9586
9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Mon – Fri
voicemail on weekends and holidays
fax: 917-210-0142
Number One On The List on Facebook
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Number One On The List on Alignable
Member of the New Hyde Park Chamber Of Commerce

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