Let’s look at website performance: how fast is your website? When a visitor arrives at your website, you have 5 seconds (or less) to interest them. Most websites lose half of their visitors by loading too slow. Number One On The List offers a free evaluation of your website: Performance, mobile-friendliness, SEO and security Improving website performance starts with optimizing data to be as fast and efficient as possible. A mobile-friendly website is one that displays correctly on phones and tablets. Correct SEO uses search engine best practices to increase the traffic to a website as measured by search engine results. A secure website creates an encrypted connection and protects against eavesdropping on internet traffic. Get a free evaluation by Number One On The List of your website performance now.
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
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phone: 917-338-9586
9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Mon – Fri
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fax: 917-210-0142
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Member of the New Hyde Park Chamber Of Commerce

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