You’ve done it. Solved a problem. Created a benefit. Social Proof works like this: Bill is a regular guy like me, Bill solved a problem (that I also have) or reaped a benefit (which is something I’d like as well) on the ABC Company program therefore I can solve that problem or reap that benefit on the ABC Company program. Case Histories Are “Social Proof.” Take a client testimonial and build a case history. Use that case history as a post to to your blog and social media. Send out an email newsletter or press release featuring the case history. The problems solved and benefits created for clients should be made well known (and your business well thought of). Let’s discuss.
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
Get found, Get business
phone: 917-338-9586
9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Mon – Fri
voicemail on weekends and holidays
fax: 917-210-0142
Number One On The List on Facebook
Number One On The List on YouTube
Number One On The List on Alignable
Member of the New Hyde Park Chamber Of Commerce

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