30 12, 2018

New Year Website Resolution – Number One On The List

2019-11-05T00:03:03-05:00December 30th, 2018|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

TRANSCRIPT If the last website update was three years or more ago, get a website evaluation. Number One On The List offers a free website evaluation for performance, mobile-friendliness, SEO, and security. Your professional website is the public face of your business. Look your best. Tom Jacoby Number One On The List [...]

13 03, 2015

Mobile-Friendly Professional Websites Presentation

2019-11-05T01:20:18-05:00March 13th, 2015|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

http://youtu.be/xrMsvO17kFI What Does Google Want From Me? Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. (Compare that with Steve Jobs's 1980 mission statement for Apple: "To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.") Since Google is a public company, Google's [...]

12 03, 2015

Ten Google-Friendly SEO Tips for 2015

2019-11-05T01:20:29-05:00March 12th, 2015|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

http://youtu.be/7YNpvJNBmuk Tom's Top 10 2015 Google-Friendly SEO Tips TRANSCRIPT Hi, Tom's tips for 2015. Tip number one. Make the material on your website easy to review. Do you provide a product or service? Make it easy to review those, all right? Very important, customers who enjoy what you do will not hunt for a place [...]

16 02, 2014

Search Engine Optimization Help and Websites

2019-11-05T01:26:01-05:00February 16th, 2014|Search Engine Optimization, Websites|0 Comments

https://youtu.be/NdwuYQKTnZA Two Great Reasons To Choose NumberOneOnTheList Websites and SEO Help TRANSCRIPT Your website is your 24/7 Reception. Does your website represent your business the right way? NumberOneOnTheList.com for websites. Is your website optimized for search? NumberOneOnTheList.com for SEO help. One third of buyers choose the first one on search results. Nine out of ten [...]

6 02, 2014

Hummingbird Semantic Search – Tom SEO Tip

2019-11-05T01:26:10-05:00February 6th, 2014|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

http://youtu.be/0unlZn40W74 Hummingbird Semantic Search - Tom SEO Tip Number One On The List 917-338-9586 TRANSCRIPT Hi. Tom Jacoby here, NumberOneOnTheList.com. Here's Tom's tip for today, okay. Alright. Just so you know, Google had the most sweeping change in their search algorithm in fourteen years and it happened last August, very quietly. The change was code [...]

6 02, 2014

Domain Names for SEO – Tom SEO Tip

2019-11-05T01:26:59-05:00February 6th, 2014|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

http://youtu.be/gJ-yFCB4yxQ Domain Names for SEO - Tom SEO tip NumberOneOnTheList 917-338-9586 TRANSCRIPT Hi. Tom Jacoby here with Tom's tip for today. Alright now, a while back, Matt Cutts - Google, he's the head of the web spam team - he announced that exact match domains, domains that precisely fit to search terms that you want [...]

30 06, 2013

SEO On Your Home Page

2019-11-05T01:36:33-05:00June 30th, 2013|Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Key SEO Elements Of Your Home Page A NumberOneOnTheList SEO Tip   Some Key SEO Elements on Your Home Page   Your Home Page TITLE says what you do and where you do it. A good URL from a SEO perspective says what your product or service is, in the way that your [...]

9 06, 2013

What Makes A Website Compelling?

2019-11-05T01:37:08-05:00June 9th, 2013|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

A NumberOneOnTheList SEO Tip In the Google Webmaster Help video below and elsewhere, Google Senior Engineer Matt Cutts talks about working on compelling content for your website, What is compelling content that keeps visitors coming back? It seems to me that it's easy to see more here than there is. For example, a CPA says [...]

24 02, 2013

Need It Now Courier

2014-07-27T16:48:36-04:00February 24th, 2013|SEO Testimonials|0 Comments

I was not convinced about the workability of SEO when I began working with Tom NumberOneOnTheList.com a few years ago. Now I'm on page one in Florida, Connecticut, New Jersey, Long Island and New York City. When someone does a Google search for a courier or messenger service I come right up. This is not [...]

9 02, 2013


2019-11-05T01:38:27-05:00February 9th, 2013|Search Engine Optimization|0 Comments

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. There's Internal SEO (also called "OnPage" SEO) on your website itself. Usually (not always), your website designer has worked with you on this type of search engine optimization. NumberOneOnTheList.com specializes in external SEO (AKA off-page SEO, link building search engine optimization). External SEO uses primarily the quality of the websites [...]

30 11, 2012

On-Page SEO For A WordPress Website

2019-11-05T01:55:19-05:00November 30th, 2012|Search Engine Optimization|4 Comments

On-Page SEO For A Wordpress Website   Website Install and configure Plug-Ins, free with 20 or more webpages. Webpages Any webpages except for Home pages should be one product or service and one location (if business is geocentric) per webpage. [singlepic id=152 w=300 h=300 float=center]   On-page SEO on a webpage includes: On-page SEO on [...]

26 05, 2012


2019-11-05T01:55:27-05:00May 26th, 2012|Content Creation, Search Engine Optimization|8 Comments

Newsblog Aggregating Relevant Content From Multiple Sources Google Adwords Website Design Mobile-Friendly Newsblog YouTube Video SEO Press Releases On-page SEO For WordPress Optimized Content Writing Link Earning SEO Premium Directory Listings In May of 2012, NumberOneOnTheList.com upgraded Newsblogs to aggregator blogs. The difference is that an aggregator blog selects varied content from multiple sources, the [...]

13 03, 2012

Press Releases

2019-11-05T01:38:47-05:00March 13th, 2012|Press Releases|5 Comments

Professional Press Release Massive Syndication Maximum SEO Results Google Adwords Website Design Mobile-Friendly Newsblog YouTube Video SEO Press Releases On-page SEO For WordPress Optimized Content Writing Link Earning SEO Premium Directory Listings What NumberOneOnTheList.com Optimized Press Release Publishing & Distribution On The Internet Does For Your Business: - improve your overall search engine presence and [...]

13 03, 2012

J.H. Finch Inc.

2019-08-09T01:59:32-04:00March 13th, 2012|SEO Testimonials|0 Comments

J. H. Finch Inc. is a worldwide business machines supplier, In addition to providing SEO services, Tom and Lori at NumberOneOnTheList.com have educated me on how search engines operate and opened my eyes to what goes on "under the hood" when you see a page of search results. My understanding of internet promotion and [...]

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