Below is the information on my handout
which was distributed at the Free Google Partners
Event on 7 July at the Keats Agency.
I videoed a 45 minute Q & A and some short videos
edited from that will be available on YouTube soon.
7 Reasons Your Business Needs A Website
1. Expand your business in new markets
2. 24/7 promotion and presence at minimal expense
3. Your competition has websites
4. Communicate to your customers
5. You miss opportunities without a website
6. A channel for interested persons to contact you
7. Enlighten prospective clients on your business
Not having a website in business is like having an unlisted phone number for your business.
7 Reasons Your Website Needs SEO help
(1) If not visible to searchers, you will not be found
(2) Page one of searches for your products and services is the best place to be found
(3) 1/3 of buyers go to the top search results
(4) 9 out of 10 buyers don’t search past page one
(5) Everyone looks for everything on the internet
(6) Your competition is doing Search Engine Optimization
(7) Get found and get business
If your website is a beautiful, compelling, edge-of-your-seat movie about your business, then SEO is the distribution to put your movie in thousands of theaters or the airtime to show your movie to your targeted audience on prime time.

Free Google Partners Event – NumberOneOnTheList advice on internet images and video seen on smartphones recommendations:
(1) Is your website Google-friendly? If not, you need to handle that.
(2) Install Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools for your website if not already done. Staticizing with Google Analytics will help you to manage by statistics.
(3) Google+ Local (Google Places map listing) is the map on the right of search results with 7 orange “pushpins” to show the top seven locations. Start this process by claiming your Google+ Local listing. Search for your company name and address to find the Google+ Local listing.
(4) Build your Google+ personal and business presence.
(5) If you are not blogging already, start. Blogging adds new, fresh content.
(6) Do a thorough listing in the major directories, do not use automation to blast only your contact info all over the internet, that will create a negative result. Your business name and address must be the same in each case. Provide all possible information. Only list in the major directories, Google penalizes junk directories.
(7) Create/build a YouTube channel. Everybody looks for everything on the internet and most often on a smartphone. Showing it trumps reading it on a smartphone.
(8) Sign up for Social Media where you can actively participate: Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and perhaps Pinterest. Just like buying a set of encyclopedias does not make anyone smarter, signing up for Social Media and not participating does not help your online presence, visibility and reach. Note: you are contacting and engaging people on Social Media, not selling them. You want to meet people and create communication with them. Consider a short (3 or 4 questions) multiple choice survey and offer a small discount coupon for completing the survey. Offer advice when your industry is in the news as to how people might respond to these developments to their advantage. Social Media tactics, as you can see, is a broad topic.
(9) Join and participate in industry-specific forums. There are forums for lawyers, home improvement, dentists and many other business categories.
(10) Email newsletter promotion to everyone who has ever bought anything from you and everyone who expresses interest in your product or services. Don’t purchase email addresses, if someone has not indicated that they want to know more then they should not be on your emailing list. You want Customers and prospective Customers on your emailing list. Out of sight is out of mind – regular, relevant, short emailings keep your name in front of Customers and prospective Customers. Recommendations, advice, tips, discount coupons, holiday greetings and suggestions are all good Newsletter content.
The key is what do your target market need and want from your business?
Let’s discuss.
Take care, be well, have fun,
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
Get found, Get business
phone: 917-338-9586
9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Mon – Fri
voicemail on weekends and holidays
fax: 917-210-0142
Number One On The List on Facebook
Number One On The List on Google Plus
Number One On The List on YouTube
Number One On The List on Alignable
Member of the New Hyde Park Chamber Of Commerce

(Please Pardon Our Appearance, This Website Is Under Construction Summer 2017)
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