31 07, 2015

Presentation – Internet 5 Steps To Total World Domination 28 July 2015

2019-11-05T01:17:11-05:00July 31st, 2015|Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Video of a Presentation delivered on Tuesday 28 July. http://youtu.be/UnixxEYCtB0 TRANSCRIPT Nerd Girl: NumberOneOnTheList.com, professional mobile friendly websites and SEO help. It's better if you're on top. Tom: This is mostly geared to people who already have some kind of a web presence, to people who already have some kind of a website. Now, mompreneurs [...]

19 07, 2015

Internet Marketing – SEM Five Do-able Steps to Total World Domination

2019-11-05T01:17:50-05:00July 19th, 2015|Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Sneak preview video of a presentation to be delivered on Tuesday 28 July. http://youtu.be/sv9BxcW3YbY TRANSCRIPT Tom: Hi. Tom Jacoby here, NumberOneOnTheList.com. Thanks for watching. All right. So tonight, this is a preview of five simple steps to total world domination using your Internet resources, okay? Now I'm going to be do that as a presentation [...]

3 12, 2013

Why Social Media?

2019-11-05T01:36:20-05:00December 3rd, 2013|Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Why Social Media?   This is mostly the content of a handout for my Presentation "Why Social Media" 3 December 2013   Social Sites get more Traffic than NumberOneOnTheList.com!   178,587,223 Unique Visitors Oct 2013 on Google+ 167,403,281 Unique Visitors Oct 2013 on Facebook 40,150,551 Unique Visitors Oct 2013 on Twitter 38,660,116 Unique Visitors Oct [...]

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