Video of a Rehearsal 27 January 2016 for
a Briefing to Manhattan / Nassau / Suffolk Dentists
delivered the following day at Papazzio in Bayside NY.
Hi. Tom Jacoby, I do professional websites, I offer SEO help, and I do press releases. All right? You get broad distribution of your news for best SEO result, okay? All right. SEO search engine optimization, right? That’s one of the main things I do.
So let’s talk about search engines for a moment. The obvious one is if someone Googles your product or your service, you want to come up on that search. If you’ve got a cheeseburger restaurant and someone Googles “cheeseburger restaurant,” you want to come up on that search. Okay?
But there’s another one and this is more and more common in 2016. This is where somebody Googles your name or your company name. The reason for doing that is, let’s say you got a referral. And somebody says, “Oh, best mechanic on earth, Joe’s Garage. Got to go to Joe’s Garage.” So you go, “Okay, cool. Thanks.” And then you search Joe’s Garage on Google. And sometimes it’s remarkable what you can find, all right? This is kind of searching reputation rather than searching the person’s actual website. You’re searching reputation.
Now there are things you can do to positively affect your reputation. One of those is press releases. You want to get your good news out there, okay? So here’s a fine example of this. Doctor Ben Fialkoff,, all right, is also involved in Drug Free World. This is drug education so that kids don’t get started taking drugs. That’s the idea. All right?
So the whole purpose of this program is not so much to salvage people who have already gone down that road, but to stop young people from going down that road to begin with by letting them know the truth about drugs, the actual effects of drugs, etc, etc. All right?
This, as a subject for press releases, is perfect. There’s no other side. This is not a controversial issue. There’s not somebody who’s going to go, “Wait a minute. I think kids should take more drugs.” It’s just not going to happen. All right? So that’s Not They’re not a business. This is They’re a non-profit, okay, if you want to get some more information about that.
But the way that this helps you is, you support Drug Free World. You’re giving out their booklets. You’re doing their education stuff. You’re supporting them in some way. What? Let everybody know. If you do something good, tell people. Because this has a couple of benefits. One obviously is, it’s good for you. You’re letting people know about the good things that you do.
Another one is, you’re setting a good example. You know? I do not know how many times it’s actually worked out, where somebody has seen another business get involved with something…oh, like Toys for Tots. Like the Marines, Toys for Tots around Christmastime, right? So another business gets involved and they go, “You know, I should do something like that.”
See, Drug Free World can work in that same way. You’re not just promoting what you’re doing, your good work…though you are doing that…you’re also setting a good example publicly. You know, that you are promoting drug education and helping in the effort to keep kids from ever getting started with drugs. All right? This is a very powerful thing.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit corporation for the public benefit. Drug Free World provides factual information about drugs which enable people to make informed decisions.
Drug Free World
Drug Free World New York
Take care, be well, have fun,
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
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(Please Pardon Our Appearance, This Website Is Under Construction Summer 2017)
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