Is SEO Priced Beyond the Reach of Solo Practitioners?


What SEO Options Are Available When the Schedule Is Full and Money Is Tight?


The following blog was a handout for my 22 April 2014 Presentation. An edited video and transcript will be posted soon.

Veronica Escobar directed me to this article: go solo, grow solo

Are Solos Priced Out of SEO?

This article is aimed at lawyers who are solo practitioners. Carolyn Elefant, the author, is concerned that the investment involved in succeeding at search engine optimization exceeds the budget of most solo practitioners.

Blogging - SEO and the Solo Practitioner - BNI Presentation

Blogging – SEO and the Solo Practitioner – BNI Presentation 22 Apr 2014

My response is that there are effective actions one can take in any price range to improve your search engine optimization. If there is less money to spend then you have to schedule some time to do it yourself.

Do it yourself SEO for a lawyer who is a solo practitioner:

(1) Get a blog. A simple WordPress website on your own URL is best. Your URL should be what you do and where you do it, such as The impoirtant thing is to get a blog.

(2) Pick the last 2 or 3 rules of law that you had to research. Start with the most profitable niche. Lets say, for example, that the profitable niche is bankruptcy law and trusts. Pull up your notes or the letters and emails that you sent regarding bankruptcy law and trusts. Cut and paste all that into a new document. Cut and delete anything that identifies your client.