What Does Google Want From Me?
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. (Compare that with Steve Jobs’s 1980 mission statement for Apple: “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.”)
Since Google is a public company, Google’s first responsibility is to make money for the shareholders. It accomplishes that by providing what users need and want so that they keep coming back for more.
Google’s primary revenue stream is Google Adwords (paid advertising).
In order to give Google searchers what they are looking for, Google requires that your website is
Relevant – on-topic to what is being searched. You won’t come up in searches for Oranges if your webpages are about apples.
Full-featured – lots of content on the topic (as opposed to thin content). If you have a lot of useful information on your website then other similar websites will want to link to you.
Useful – measured by popularity, the number of links to your website (paid links and crap links will hurt your cause). Think of who links to you as the company you keep.
Search Engine Optimization
A Search Engine Optimization program starts with your website. You want Google to see clearly exactly what you do so that your website will be indexed as you want it to be.
Example: my restaurant features a blue cheese bacon burger that I promote as the best burger on Earth. On my website I have menu plans, recipes for side dishes and other content to support my blue cheese bacon burger. I get in communication with and attract interest from restaurant reviewers, foodie columnists, Food Network, other non-competitive restaurants – you see how this goes.
For more about pro websites and SEO, let’s get a cup of coffee.
How To Tell Whether Your Website is Mobile-friendly
Google offers a Mobile-Friendly Test
Do a Google search for OPERA MOBILE EMULATOR FREE DOWNLOAD. Download and install, then check your website. The Opera emulator is less specific than using your own smartphone and/or tablet.
Go to your website using your smartphone or tablet. You should see a simplified version of your website. Images are either made small or eliminated but text is readable. If you have to scroll to the right and left to view webpages, your website is not mobile-friendly. If images and text are both made too small so that text can not be read, your website is not mobile-friendly.
Excerpted from How To Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly, According To Google by Chris Crum
As you’re probably aware, Google is preparing to launch an algorithm change that includes a signal telling Google sites that are mobile-friendly should get a rankings boost. This will remain just one of many signals Google takes into account when ranking content, but it’s going to be an important one. Read the rest of this article at the WebProNews website.
Take care, be well, have fun,
Tom Jacoby
Number One On The List
A New York Internet Marketing Solutions Corporation
Get found, Get business
phone: 917-338-9586
9 AM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Mon – Fri
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fax: 917-210-0142
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Member of the New Hyde Park Chamber Of Commerce

(Please Pardon Our Appearance, This Website Is Under Construction Summer 2017)
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